W3Schools info@mojcasvetina.si W3Schools+386 40 932 587


In one hour of an aerobics workout we warm-up with simple steps and simple choreography that can be followed by everyone. In this way we raise the heart rate and prepare the body for the main part of our aerobics workout. During the main part of the one hour workout we will do different strength exercises for the whole body. We will use our own body weight, dumbbells and steps to develop muscle strength. At the end we will do cool down exercises to stretch and relax. 

I do not lead classes of aerobics at the moment.


Plesne in športne storitve, Mojca Svetina, s.p.
Davčna številka: 89547667
Zavezanci za DDV: Ne
Matična številka: 7209088000

Email: info@mojcasvetina.si

Telefon: +386 40 932 587