W3Schools info@mojcasvetina.si W3Schools+386 40 932 587


Starmoves Hip-Hop is a unique dance training where you can learn choreography from famous choreographers and dancers from all over the world. These choreographers and dancers include, for example, Misha Gabriel (Step Up, Michael Jackson – This is it); Jawn Ha (Mos Wanted Crew, Kinjaz); Quick Crew (Dancing Strawhats); and many more. The choreography that we will learn includes different dance styles such as hip-hop, new style, house, street dance, locking, popping, tutting and many more. The Starmoves Hip-Hop programme consists of three levels:

1. Starmoves Hip-Hop Masterclass represents the highest level. This training is for dancers who are at least 12 years old. During the training we will learn different dance styles and choreography from the hottest world-famous choreographers such as Misha Gabriel, David Moore, Vinh Nguyen, etc.

2. Starmoves Hip-Hop Rookies training is for dancers who are between 9 and 11 years old. The choreography that we will learn consists of basic dance elements of hip-hop styles, and is not as difficult as in the Starmoves Hip-hop Masterclass.

3. Starmoves Hip-Hop Kidz training is for dancers who are between 6 and 8 years old. We will learn choreography that is very simple and fun. The children will learn basic hip-hop dance steps in a fun way, and gain the knowledge that will prepare them for higher levels.




More informations:
website – Starmoves Hip Hop
Facebook: Starmoves Hip Hop



Plesne in športne storitve, Mojca Svetina, s.p.
Davčna številka: 89547667
Zavezanci za DDV: Ne
Matična številka: 7209088000

Email: info@mojcasvetina.si

Telefon: +386 40 932 587